#272: Halloween - to Celebrate or Not?

Season #6

How do you celebrate Halloween as a family and is it bad to do?  

First off, your family needs to personally seek God and obey what he is saying for your family. There is no right or wrong. Obeying God is top priority!  

Secondly, if you do decide to dress up and go house to house here are some mindsets you can empower your kids with.  

  1. Focus on Light vs. Darkness: Emphasize themes of light, drawing from verses like John 1:5 ("The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it").  
  2. Use Halloween as a time to connect with neighbors and friends. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages fellowship and building each other up, which can be reflected in community activities. Share the gospel or pray for people as you go door to door.  
  3. Encourage creative expression through costumes and decorations. This encourages creativity and imagination in them - and honestly it is just so fun to dress up.  
  4. Teach children about discernment, focusing on Philippians 4:8, which encourages thinking about things that are true, noble, and right. Discuss the difference between fun and fear and avoid anything that glorifies evil.

Email us (or comment on social media) your thoughts on this topic! As Christians, where should choose to be a light and where should we protect our kids? We get to invite God in and decide for our family! Share your thoughts and share this episode with a friend! 

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