#269: Celebrating Don’s 60th with 60 Second Relational-Parenting Tips!

Season #6

Today’s episode is special – we are celebrating Don’s 60th birthday! We are going to reminisce and share a few practical parenting tips in 60 seconds or less!

We believe God will inspire you with the values Don and Suz have learned over his 60 years of life! Here we go!

Relationship with God 

  • Suz: Matt. 6:33 invites us to seek first his kingdom and all things will be added unto you.
  • Don: Take one next step and invest in family - worth it!


  • Suz: Marriage is the foundational relationship in family. Go to bed together as a habit- creates time for pillow talk which connects the marriage.
  • Don: Stop controlling, instead, help spouse to be best version of themselves.

Parent to Kid

  • Suz: “They are just little people so treat them with honor & respect and they will treat you with honor & respect.” 
  • Don: Realize how powerful words and tone are and use them to strengthen not damage.

Kid to Kid

  • Suz: Siblings can and should be best friends because the relationship as adults is unique because it carries the past, present and future. 
  • Don: Role of older sibling is key and parents deposit the right vision in older kids.

Kid to God

  • Suz: We get to build kingdom on earth by the way we show God’s love to our kids.
  • Don: Teach our children to live on mission.

Share this podcast with anyone you know who needs a parenting boost today! Also, go donate to Crazy Cool Family for Don's birthday! We love each of you and are looking for faithful supporters as we continue to do what God's asks us to do for families! 

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