#259: Capturing Your Child’s Heart this Summer

Season #6

It’s summertime and we cannot wait to help you make the most of your summer! Parents, this season is not made to survive- It's made for investment!  

“Summer is a special time. It’s set apart and different. There is a bit of a break and a great chance for kids to be at home and with their parents. It’s needed in a lot of ways for your child’s heart.” - Suz 

FIRST THINGS FIRST! Ask your kids what they want summer to hold- see what they want to do and do your best to make some of those things happen!  

3 Ways to Invest in family this summer:

1. Speak more life than death

  • Start with a yes (build a world of yes) 
  • Encourage, build up, invest in identity (You are a mighty man of God, so helpful, kind to sibling, smart, clever, talented). 
  • Speak forth what is not as if it is. Call them up to the actions you want 

2. Invest in making memories

  • Think of your happy childhood memories and build from them 
  • Ingredients for a memory: fun, laughter, activity, productivity, creativity, adventure 
  • Add water to summer fun 
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mess 
  • Be intentional 
  • Embrace the chaos 

3. Choose family first

  • Give family space each week to hang out with each other (slow down with activities and friend hang outs) 
  • See summer as a gift of time to invest in the relationships that might be a little broken 

This is the only summer 2024 we get- let's make the most of it and invest in family this summer! 

Podcast Resources: