Crazy Cool Family is on a mission to help parents Rethink the Way They Do Family.
Your one-time or recurring donation will have an impact on countless families! Your donation allows us to give all our resources for FREE!
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Your Generosity Makes All of This FREE for Families!
Our membership site holds our Core Courses and so many other resources all in one convenient place. It’s a platform for parents to learn the key Crazy Cool Family concepts.
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Our Crazy Cool Family podcast reaches thousands of parents with Don and Suzanne and awesome guests who share engaging family insights to help parents on their journey.
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Our growing YouTube channel will reach parents of all ages with timely videos to teach and spread the Crazy Cool Family message.
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Books, podcasts, and other great works we’ve used over the years to learn and grow!
View ResourcesWe believe all parents, in all seasons, can greatly benefit from Crazy Cool Family’s content. Your donation means every parent regardless of their financial ability has access to everything we’ve created. Your gift allows us to partner with churches and other organizations to engage every parent, everywhere.
Donate to Crazy Cool Family
Crazy Cool Family is a recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit helping families love Jesus and each other.
Program fees & purchases are not tax-deductible.